About us

From human to human

Developing our best version

We are a software development company made from human to human. 

The company was founded in 2011 by Ignacio Rohr and in 2015 Eduardo Cuñarro joined as a partner. In 2020 they restructured the management naming Eduardo as CEO and Ignacio as COO and decided to turn the company 180 degrees and for this Marta Soler joined as CMO and Business Developer to the management of the company.

At INNOVANT we break the rules through technology to contribute to the advancement of humanity and we help leading corporations in the world to be more successful by providing quality technological resources.

Eduardo Cuñarro

Ignacio Rohr

Marta Soler

Our team

We are united by the satisfaction that our work has an impact on businesses around the world, and this is possible thanks to the trust of our clients and the commitment of our team.

Our team of more than 50 software engineers, architects, researchers, designers, and psychologists are dedicated to giving you the results you wanted and the ones you didn’t know you needed.

We are agile, we make effective decisions based on the analysis of results and around a strategy. We constantly optimize the process to improve results.

SDG 2 Switch: Hunger 0

SDG 2 Switch: Hunger 0

INNOVANT + Redalco Alliance

REDALCO has a clear mission: Deliver fruits and vegetables to the most needy people in Uruguay, reducing food waste.

This year we were allies in #MisionPLATOS reaching 1,500,000 plates of food with all the companies and people who collaborated. Thanks to this action we were able to help feed the more than 250,000 people who cannot access food in Uruguay.

SDG 3 Switch: Health and Well-being

SDG 3 Switch: Health and Well-being


Well-being expanded is a team philosophy that we work on from the essence, but that we are building more and more within INNOBAND. We contribute internally through our horizontal philosophy, access to training, the benefits program and the possibility of conciliation and even growth between personal and professional life.

SDG 5 Switch: Gender Equality

SDG 5 Switch: Gender Equality

INNOVANT + WeCode Alliance

WeCode is on a mission to prepare children and adolescents in programming and robotics for the future.

In the IT industry there is a significant gender gap, which is why from INNOVANT we contribute to reducing it through the GICC scholarships! a training plan for low-income girls between the ages of 12 and 15 in Uruguay, which gives them the opportunity to study programming in stages prior to university education and encourages them to choose a technological career as tertiary education.

SDG 2 Switch: Hunger 0


SDG 2 Switch: Hunger 0

INNOVANT + Redalco Alliance

REDALCO has a clear mission: Deliver fruits and vegetables to the most needy people in Uruguay, reducing food waste.

SDG 3 Switch: Health an Well-being


SDG 3 Switch: Health an Well-being


Well-being expanded is a team philosophy that we work on from the essence, but that we are building more and more within INNOBAND. 

SDG 5 Switch: Gender Equality


SDG 5 Switch: Gender Equality

INNOVANT + WeCode Alliance

WeCode is on a mission to prepare children and adolescents in programming and robotics for the future.

A passionate team who cares

INNOVANT Believe is the company’s environmental-humanitarian action platform.

It is a sub-brand of INNOVANT and represents the program and practices that the company carries out in order to offer solutions to some of the great problems of humanity.

Bullet-proof recruting

Born to be agile

Our uniqueness lie in our
shared values

Eduardo Cunarro - Director and co-funder Innovant

Eduardo Cuñarro

CEO and partner of the INNOVANT holding, Best Top Developers in Uruguay (Clutch 2022) and recognized professor of Software Architecture and Design at the ORT University of Uruguay.

For more than 12 years Eduardo Cuñarro has been helping companies improve their businesses through software and technology consulting.

His purpose is to make INNOVANT the happiest place to develop and contribute with INNOVANT Believe to build a better Uruguay.

He started at the company in 2015 as CTO and minority partner and professionalized the software factory, implemented Clean Code and trained the team to execute software development in the most efficient way possible.

In 2020 he was appointed CEO, formed a specialized management team and managed to double the company both in terms of team and turnover.

His commitment, charisma, strategic thinking, determination and rigor make him a unique leader. Always complementing with humility, with gratitude, and with humor.

Working with Eduardo implies wanting to bring out the best version of yourself.

Ignacio Rohr - CEO and Co-funder Innovant

Ignacio Rohr

COO and founder of the INNOVANT holding company, Best top developers in Uruguay (Clutch 2022) and software engineer and senior consultant with more than 12 years of experience working with engineering teams.

His purpose is to make INNOVANT the happiest place to develop and contribute with INNOVANT Believe to build a better Uruguay.

He founded the company in 2011 with Encantex as his first project.

In 2020 he was appointed COO and doubling the billing and the team that same year managed to improve the company’s profitability by 21%, boosted the company’s performance and implemented an agile communication methodology between departments and customers.

His generosity, understanding and kindness make Ignacio a fundamental piece of INNOVANT’s leadership. He is that person who, above all, leads by example, responsible and hardworking, intuitive to the needs of others, always establishing excellent relationships with the team.

When you work with Ignacio you feel understood, cared for, and in a safe environment to develop in the best way.

Marta Soler - CMO and business developer

Marta Soler

CMO & Business Developer at INNOVANT, Best top developers in Uruguay (Clutch 2022) and with training in engineering, architecture and business. She was introduced to marketing when she started working at Red Bull Spain at the age of 19, she fell in love with it and today it is his great passion.

Its purpose is to make INNOVANT a powerful software development brand generating a large Spanish-speaking community. In addition, she also wants to help other professionals and companies to get clients, sales and relevance with Digital Marketing.

She started at INNOVANT in 2020 and soon became a key part of the company’s management.

She led the change of image, naming, branding and creation of the entire marketing department as well as the growth strategy through content marketing, social networks and paid media.

Marta is the joy of the team; she is creative, authentic, sensitive, expressive and intuitive, and that makes her a culture engine within the company. She infects the whole team with sympathy and energy.

Working with Marta implies looking for meaningful and free interpersonal relationships; she implies exploring creativity to the fullest; and implies that curiosity, sympathy, spontaneity and fun working with her are always guaranteed.